Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am in love. It's a little ridiculous... it's a little funky... and it's a little FABULOUS! My latest craze are glitter cups! You would think that I drink a lot of soda. I probably drink more than I should but everything in moderation, right?? I think this will make a great water cup too... and I might just drink a little more now that I can drink it with flare! I have orange and black glitter, bling, cups and everything spooky to make one especially for my favorite time of year! To be continued....
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Monday, August 23, 2010

{'Sammy's school...

My little man started preschool today! He's been so excited. Ms. Carol came to our home on Friday to have a 'get aquanted' play date and since then he hasn't stopped talking about 'Sammy's school.' I'm not exactly sure what to do with myself and feel a little naked without someone to constantly be looking after. I just keep reminding myself that it's only 3 hours and there are so many things I can get accomplished in JUST 3 HOURS!!! Hooray!

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Thursday, August 19, 2010

{Back to School Mom projects!

OK so I do miss my kids, but I'm not going to lie when I say that after 3 months of flying by the seat of our pants I also realized how much I missed routine. I am excited to get back in the gym on a regular basis and start a few projects of my own. So after I complete my homework (ie... paint the entire main floor of my house to cover up all of the sharpie marks and scuffs from balls and shoes) I am ready to tackle a few cute things... Here are a few that I've been eyeing since BEFORE girls camp took over my life!

1. Amy Butlers Weekender Bag (I've heard it's a doosy, but I'm up for the challenge).

2. I have the paint all ready to go for my laundry room, which is currently a burnt orange but will soon look something like House of Smith's pantry! I also love this idea only in a blue/grey. I love how fresh it looks and I could use a few more 'cool' colors in my home.

3. I've got to include something to get me excited for Halloween and these adorable trick or treat bags will do the trick!

{2nd Grade!!!

Here's our big man on his first day of Second Grade!!! I think it's going to be a really great year for him! We met his teacher on Thursday and she seems like a firecracker (in a good way!). She will demand a lot from him, but I am excited to see him step up to the plate. Sammy and I are off to make giant back to school cookies and maybe the pool?? My little Sambo starts preschool on Monday (and then I get to tackle my poor house who suffered so much this summer!).

I found these cute little lunch notes on eighteen25.

My mom always took a picture of our new shoes on the first day of school... the tradition continues!

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Thursday, August 12, 2010

{Our summer garden...

If you would have asked me last week if our decision to rent a garden spot at Bear Creek was worth it, I would have told you "no way"! We got a late start on planting our seeds (thanks to girls camp!) and every time we would go out to weed or water I would get discouraged because every one else's gardens seemed to be booming! ...that's what I get for comparing (there's a valuable lesson in there somewhere). Well, we finally have a little something to show for our hard work. Yesterday I went out to water and we came back with squash, peas, beans peppers, cucumbers and a radish. Exciting stuff I tell you! I think I've convinced Todd that we have to gate in a small plot in the backyard for next summer though because the 15 minute drive there and the 15 minute drive back is about murderous when I'm trying to get dinner on and the kids are tired. Here are a few pictures of the day we put our seeds in the ground...

These are our garden buddies, the Babcock's.

...and this is just the start of a very bountiful harvest (I'm crossing my fingers!)
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Tuesday, August 03, 2010

{Mt. of the Holy Cross...

Last Friday Todd and I celebrated our 11th wedding anniversary. Mom and Dad took the boys for the weekend and we headed up into the mountains for an adventure! Over the last couple of years, Todd has really had a desire to climb all the fourteeners that Colorado has to offer. He started last year and has done 8 of the 54. ...it's a start. So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and with only 2 under my belt we chose Mt. of the Holy Cross (which is just south of Vail) as our challenge. Well, challenge it was! I would definitely have to say that I it had to be one of the top 5 toughest things I have ever done (to my body, that is!). My feet must have grown because I had hot spots on my heels and toes climbing UP the mountain. It took us 10 hours to go just over 11 miles. Todd was very sweet and patient with me and my burning feet! The top was absolutely breath taking and once I get myself a new pair of hiking boots, I'd do it again in a heart beat!

I had never seen wild Columbine's in Colorado before so that was kind of exciting!
Todd and I at the summit.
