Thursday, August 12, 2010

{Our summer garden...

If you would have asked me last week if our decision to rent a garden spot at Bear Creek was worth it, I would have told you "no way"! We got a late start on planting our seeds (thanks to girls camp!) and every time we would go out to weed or water I would get discouraged because every one else's gardens seemed to be booming! ...that's what I get for comparing (there's a valuable lesson in there somewhere). Well, we finally have a little something to show for our hard work. Yesterday I went out to water and we came back with squash, peas, beans peppers, cucumbers and a radish. Exciting stuff I tell you! I think I've convinced Todd that we have to gate in a small plot in the backyard for next summer though because the 15 minute drive there and the 15 minute drive back is about murderous when I'm trying to get dinner on and the kids are tired. Here are a few pictures of the day we put our seeds in the ground...

These are our garden buddies, the Babcock's.

...and this is just the start of a very bountiful harvest (I'm crossing my fingers!)
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Bridget said...

Hope we're invited up for some salad soon! If it was me I'd be hoarding all the bounty for myself. That's a lot of sweat and tears....and time you've put in there.

kimberryorama said...

That is awesome Tags!!!!! I need some more pictures of my little harvesters.